Tertiary Guilds and Paths

Unless otherwise noted, to join an individual tertiary guild, you must be a full member of a secondary that grants access to that tert.
Also, in most cases, to join a tertiary path, you must start with the first guild in the path and follow the listed progression.

Melee Paths (see tert jumping for exceptions to the listed progression):

Weapon Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Ancient Sikh Apprentice, Cadet, Novice, Veteran, Elite, Master Raji Sh'Ara Ancient Temple (T) Requires sacrificing a wc 50+(?) ancient
Axe Warlord Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, Colonel, General Welstar Warlord Guild (p) N/A Must perform a fetch and carry quest
Bludgeon Brute Squad Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, Colonel, General Welstar Abarack Brute Squad Barrack (Br) Requires sacrificing a wc 50+(?) bludgeon
Broad Blade Myrmidon Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, Colonel, General Wysoom Path from the beach (@) West Side Must defeat an enemy to join
Dagger Cutthroat Grunt, Novice, Soldier, Veteran, Master, Grandmaster Perdow Cutthroat Guild (o) N/A
Net Retiarii Tirones, Tesserarius, Optio, Principales, Praefectus Welstar Abarack Ludus Aemilius (R) Must defeat an enemy to join
Polearm Halberdier Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, Colonel, General Wysoom Sauronan Celestial Guardian Headquarters (C)
Shield Hoplite Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Major, Colonel, General Wysoom Path from the beach (@) East Side Must defeat an enemy to join
Staff Kon White, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Brown, Black Sosel Kon Camp (k) N/A Must defeat an enemy to join
Thin Blade Fencer Cadet, Junior, Senior, Veteran, Elite, Master Raji Suthnas Island Fencer Academy (F) Must defeat an enemy to join
Unarmed Pugilist Flyweight, Bantamweight, Featherweight, Welterweight, Cruiserweight, Heavywegiht Crypt The Pit (J) N/A Hidden entrance
Weapon Breaker Shinobi Shodan, Sandan, Godan, Nanadan, Kudan, Judan Sosel Shinobi Village (!) N/A Check room descriptions to find all the terts
Whip Whipster, Whipmaster, Whiplasher, Whipsnapper, Whipcracker Perdow Chain-web (w) N/A Shorter than other paths, since whips can't parry

Ranged Paths:

Weapon Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Bow Huntsman Novice, Junior, Senior, Master Welstar Anathaera Forest Hunstman Guild (P) Fetch quest to join
Crossbow Novice Crossbowman, Expert, Master, Legendary Welstar Stonehelm N/A Requires 'clout' challenge (dex + luck stat check; costs 1gp each attempt)
Sling Novice Slinger, Expert, Master, Legendary Raji Sco'land Hidden by Slinger Secondary
Thunderstick Musketeer Rascal, Bravo, Rogue, Scoundrel Wysoom Sauronan Harbor Ironridge Fortress
Small Throwing Knife throwing Novice, Expert, Artist, Master Raji Suthnas Island Knife Throwing Scholl (k)
Medium Throwing Axe Hurling Novice, Expert, Artist, Master Sosel Knotak Woods (Q) Lumberjack Section
Large Throwing Novice Harpoonist, Expert, Master, Specksioneer Wysoom Icefloe (u) Easternmost (u)

NOTE: The old Sling Master tert is still listed on the website, despite being replaced by the Slinger Tert path

Individual Monk Terts (see monk pathing for special rules for the Monk terts):

Name Style Damage Type/Weapon Planet Area Subarea notes
Ba Gua Soft Random Damage Type Sosel Complex Dojo (l) N/A Blocker
Bringer of Blood Hard Dagger Sosel Red Temple (=) N/A Blocker
Cobra Touch Soft Poison Sosel Before a Pond (C) "cave" entrance Blocker
Dragon Claw Hard Fire Sosel Lao-Lung Behind the Kari Dragon Blocker
Glima Soft Asphyxiation Sosel Pagoda (P) N/A Blocker
Lee Kwan Choo Soft Psionic Sosel Golden Temple (G) N/A Blocker
Lightning Dwarf Soft Electrical Raji Sco'land "cave" exit 2NE of the Moor (E)
Mantis Monk Hard Weapon Breaker Sosel Treehouse (H) N/A Blocker
Mo Chi Kung Fu Hard Broad Blade Sosel White Temple ({) N/A Blocker
Moo Gi Gong Hard Ancient Sosel Edon Estate Blocker
Ninjitsu Soft Dagger Sosel Obscure Dojo (}) N/A Blocker
Tae Kwon Do Soft Disintegration Sosel Waterfall (w) N/A Blocker
Thunderfist Hard Sonic Raji Thundercloud (b/t) Thunderfist Lots of blockers
Tien Hsueh Soft Harm Sosel Silver Temple (2sw,2s of (g)) N/A Blocker
Tiger Claw Hard Disintegration Sosel Hillock (q) N/A Blocker
White Crane Hard Harm Sosel Before a Pond (C) "nest" entrance Blocker
Zanji Shinjinen-Ryu Hard Thin Blade Sosel Modest House (Z) N/A Blocker

Monk Paths (see monk pathing for special rules for the Monk paths):

Style Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Hard Buraindo Kobushi, Hanmau Atemi, Bodi Soukaiya, Migi Semeru, Hidari Semeru Sosel Monk Village (+) N/A Blocker, can take "Way of the reed" after finishing
Soft Shikan-ken, Boshi-ken, Gokan-ryu, Tsurani Waza, Tsurana Waza Raji Monkisle N/A Blocker, can take "Way of the reed" after finishing
Both Way of the Reed Sosel Monk Village (+) N/A Finishes both the Hard and Soft paths

Hermetic Elemental and Mage Paths:

Element Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Acid Corroder, Corrosion Master Wysoom Sauronan Corrosionist Guild (CR)
Asphyxiation Asphyxiawizard, Asphyxiamage Wysoom Kwa Rahl (2) Kwa Rahl Lud Unlike most of these paths, the Asphyxamancer secondary is not with the terts (see secondary guild locations)
Cold Cryowizard, Cryomage Raji Nimbus Mage Tower
Disint Geowizard, Geomage Crypt Igneous Geomancer Guild (Geo)
Electrical Electrowizard, Electromage Raji Nineveh Island Electromancer Guild (E)
Fire Pyrowizard, Pyromage Sosel Fiery Halls (f) N/A
Illusion Prestidigitator, Mountebank Raji Nineveh City Magic Club (Mc)
Poison Toxiwizard, Toximage Crypt Borales Tomimancer Guild (Tox)
Random Chaos Bearer, Wizard, Mage, Master Perdow Scarrowfell Discordian Guild (Dis)
N/A Magister, Magus, Archmagus, Primamancer Raji Nineveh City "south" exit on Tyre Street near Tirzah Street Mage only, must have finished at least 1 elemental path (except Chaos, just need to reach Chaos Mage)

Spiritual Elemental/Chi Paths:

Element Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Acid Hai Tzu, Wu, Shih Wysoom "cave" exit 1W 2D 3SW of Jomsviking Guild (g) N/A
Asphyxiation Feng Tzu, Wu, Shih Raji Sco'land Ferne-den
Cold Shan Tzu, Wu, Shih Welstar Lifemaster Tower (l) N/A Blocker
Disintegration Tian Tzu, Wu, Shih Raji Temple of the Four Winds (h) N/A
Electrical Lei Tzu, Wu, Shih Raji Thundercloud (b/t) Thunderfist
Fire Huo Tzu, Wu, Shih Raji Fiery Halls (f) N/A
Harm Shu Tzu, Wu, Shih Sosel Oak Tree (T) N/A Hidden entrance
Poison Chih Tzu, Wu, Shih Wyoom Illex Caves (^) N/A
Physical Tae Tzu, Wu, Shih Welstar Stonehelm N/A

NOTE: the Di (Tzu, Wu, Shih) and Shui (Tzu, Wu, Shih) paths are still listed on the website, but were replaced by Tae and Hai.

Paths and Individual Terts Joinable only by one Primary (Still requires qualifying secondary):

Required Guild Guild/Path Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Alchemist Elementalist N/A Welstar Keystone Elementalist Guild (E)
Assassin Stab path Shadow of Man, Steel, Time, Blood, Vengeance, Death Perdow Assassin Guild (A) N/A
Bard Sonic/Explore Path Songsmith, Spellsinger, Harper and/or Explorer Raji Nineveh City Druken Wench Tavern (Ta)
Biomancer LM healing path Medicus, Vitamancer, Anatomist MV: Wysoom, A: Sosel MV: "island" exit 1E 5NE 7N 1D 2N(flying) from Illex Cave (^), A: Large Tower (y) N/A Also Requires Lifemaster
Cultist Evil healing path Chirug Lehrling, Experte Sosel Native Village (I) Hidden entrance (First room unlocked)
Cultist Unholy Vulnerability Path Cimmerii Tiro, Antistes Sosel Lao-Lung (L) Hidden past initial Ninja blockers
Cultist Evil Ress Path Porta Stabilis,Dominatus Sosel Drum-Filled Jungle (J) Hidden 1N, 1W from Demonist Hut
Cultist Unholy Blast Path Scelestus Creatura, Vilicus Sosel Aztecs Cultist Guild (M)
Cultist Harm Blast path Vile Heart, Soul Sosel Aztecs Cultist Guild (M)
Druid RV Path Arduaine, Garraine, Keitaine Sosel Sosel Grove (g) Hidden past the bees
Druid Party Heal Path Leigheas Initiate, Master Sosel Sosel Grove (g) Near the healer in the village
Druid Nature Blast Path Oidhe Initiate, Apprentice, Master Sosel Sosel grove (g) Behind the Waterfall
Druid Order of Dulra N/A Sosel Sosel Grove (g) Follow the path from the overgrown garden
Druid Druid Pet Path Toghairm Initiate, Apprentice, Master, Grand Master Sosel Sosel grove (g) Hidden under the pond
Fallen Blademaster N/A Crypt Fallen Guild (F) N/A Requires ALL of Myrmidon tert path except General. Requires you 'defile' Halo of Innocence from Sorush to join.
Merchant Safe EQ Work Path Equipment Safehands, Safeguard Wysoom Sauronan Merchant Guild (Mr) Does not require a secondary
Merchant Salesman N/A Wysoom Sauronan Merchant Guild (Mr) Does not require a secondary

Paths Joinable only by one Secondary:

Required Guild Guild/Path Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Merchant Council Gem Path Gem Cutters, Polishers Wysoom Sauronan Merchant Guild (Mr)
Deathmaster Negative energy path Death Melder, Undead Savior, Lifeforce Augmentor, Soul Lord Crypt "ledge" exit, 1SW 1S 2U from Pyramid (^) Hidden
Puppet Master Pet Path Wraith Evoker, Slayer, Sawbones, Sadist Crypt New Caverns Puppet Master Guild (#) Hidden entrance
Ordo Incursus Psionic offense path Asthanga yi, ar, san Raji Nimbus House of Ordos (H, Ametyhyst Quarter)
Ordo Praeses Psionic resistance path Bhaki yi, ar, san, si Raji Nimbus House of Ordos (H, Ametyhyst Quarter)

Individual terts and paths with multiple ways to join

Guild/Path Progression Planet Area Subarea notes
Bladesinger N/A Welstar Anathaera Forest "tree" exit, 1N 1NE of SW corner of Anathaera Forest
Brotherhood N/A Perdow Warlock Tower Behind Natas Fetch quest required to join
Dervish N/A Welstar Desert Path (D) N/A
Good Ress Path Disciple, Faith Healer, Lazarite Raji Temple of the Four Winds (h) N/A
Good Misc Path Zealot, Undeadslayer, Inquisitor Z: Welstar, U/I: Wysoom Z: Firmament, U/I: Citadel of Justice (8) N/A
Heal Path Medicus Tonstrinus, Chirurgus, Medice Welstar Charthur Gydnia in Biomancer Guild
Holy Knight path Crusader, Ordre du Temple, Chevalier Welstar Abarack Cr: Tower of the Crusade (Cr), OdT/Ch: Sikkarian Knights Villa (S) Fight Quest to join Crusader
Manuever Path Ghost Initiate, Apprentice, Novice, Veteran, Elite, Master Perdow Assassin Guild (A) N/A
Naturalist N/A Sosel Sosel Grove (g) Ikara's Grove
PE/Reinc Path Transmigrationist, Akashic Sosel Sosel Grove (g) Ikara's Grove For Transmigrationist: "You must sacrifice your own corpse to Gaia to join this guild!" 'sacrifice corpse' in the Sacrifice room. Preserved corpses work.
Unholy Resist Path Guardian Acolyte, Priest, Bishop, Cardinal Welstar Abarack Guardian Temple (Gu)
Psionic Protection path Karma Yi, Ar, San Raji Nimbus City Karma Yogi (Y, Onyx Quarter) Must be Ordo Incursus or Praeses
Tunnelrunner N/A Welstar Stonehelm N/A

Wanderer Path Listed Seperately due to its unusual situation:

Progression: Wanderer, Wandering Defender, Astute Wanderer, Elite Wanderer, Master Wanderer (all have blockers)
Join rooms are on Sosel, "clearing" exit, far NE corner of ground level
Training rooms are on Welstar, "clearing" exit, 1SW 1S from Olgahoffen's Farm
Advancement rooms are on Perdow, "clearing" exit 2N 5NW from Crowe Forest (F)

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