Sentinel Guild
Swearing In Room
  This is the Sentinel swearing in room, where Sentinels are given
their official titles and duties.  It is a rare honor to be accepted,
and a powerful responsibility.  Banners along the walls represent
the long and proud histories of Sentinels who have gone before, and
detailing their glorious pasts in pictures of faithful guards and
warriors defending cities, rooting out thieves, and bringing justice
to whomever they meet.
There are several special commands here:
  join - join the Sentinel's guild, providing your guilds allow it.
  info - will give you info on what the sentinel guild has to offer.
  desc - gives a description of sentinels, and what guilds it dissallows
         joining to if any.
 It is dimly lit here.
Obvious exits are: east, north, south, up, and west.
Gilgal Radisgad, the Sentinel Guildmaster
l gilgal
You look at gilgal
Gilgal Radisgad, the Sentinel Guildmaster 
Gilgal Radisgad is a titanic mountain of a man, with huge shoulder plates that
only accentuate his broad form.  His age is no indication of his strength, as
his arms are corded like thick tree trunks, and his white beard looks like
lichen on a mountaintop.
He is very small compared to you.
In appearance, he is attractive.
He is a human.
He is unhurt.
     Gilgal's equipment:
Brooch: A Sentinel's Badge
Cloak: A splintmail cape of fortitude -<-(Aura)->-
Upper torso: A threadbare green Sentinel greatcoat
Shoulder, shoulder: A splintmail galerus of celerity -<-(Aura)->-
Wrist, wrist: A pair of diamond bracelets of witchcraft -<-(Aura)->-
Hand, hand: A pair of splintmail gloves of watchfulness -<-(Aura)->-
Right and left hands: A blackmetal sarissa of destruction
Upper leg, upper leg: A pair of splintmail tassets of indestructibility
Lower leg, lower leg: A pair of splintmail chausses of stamina -<-(Aura)->-
Foot, foot: A pair of splintmail shoes of salubrity -<-(Aura)->-

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