
Destroyed in 2008.

                       MAP OF DRANDISS
                           |   |
                           |N R|
                          /'__.`\    .-----.
                         / /___\ \   | CH  |
                        / //BAR _ \  |_   _|
                       / / |___| | |   | |
                      / / W:-----' `---' `---------------------:E
              ____   / /  G:_________________   _______________:G
    .-.      |    | / /                      | | .--.
    | | __   |    `-  -----------------------' |/   |
    | ||MH|  | HOS._   ____   ___   _________    CEM|
    | `___|  |    | | |    | |_  |  \        | |\   |
    | |  ___ `----' | |___ |HOM| |RES|.---.  | | `--'
    | | |SAG|       |  CAT||   | |___||SHO|  | `-----.
^^  | | |  _|       | |   |`---'      | .-'  |   LIB |
^^ -' `-' `---------' `-  `-----------' '----' |\____|
MTS____    _________   _______________   ____  |
^^.----   |  _____  | |               | |    | |
^^|% FAR %| | BNK | | |   ___  .------' `-.  | |
  |%%%%%%%| |___  | | |  |   | |    ADV   |  | |
   -------.-----' `-' `--'YRD| |          |  | |
         |BUI __   _   ______| |_____   __|  | |
         |   |__| | | |              | |     | |
         `--'/POS/ /  `--------------' `-----' `--------.
            /___/ / ________________________________   _ \
                 / /                                | | \ \
                | |                                 `-'  | |
               /PIE\                                     | |
               |___|                                     `-'
NR -North Road          ADV-Adventurer's Guild          BUI-Building
WG -West Gate           CAT-Cathedral                   HOM-Home
EG -East Gate           SHO-Supply Shop                 YRD-Yard
PIE-Pier                RES-Restaurant                  FAR-Farmlands
MTS-To Daroq Mountains  POS-Post Office                 SAG-Sage Room
CEM-Cemetery            BNK-Bank                        MH -Mora's Hut
                        HOS-Hospital                    CH -City Hall
                        LIB-Library                     BAR-Barracks

(The "Home" doesn't seem to exist.)
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