Action duration: 0 | Endurance cost: 0 |
Affecting stats: | |
Resisting stats: | |
Skill Category: religious | Skill Level: 14 |
Skill Type: Non combat | Skill targetting: none |
Offensive: No | Location: |
Description: | |
This skill is automatically checked when any unholy or bewahrung spell is cast. You must be evil for it to work. Depending on your percentage in the skill and your alignment, you can reduce up to half the casting time of the spell. |
Syntax | |
Innate skill, no syntax. |
This skill is checked each round you are spellcasting. On a success, an extra round is removed from the casting time of the spell. This skill applies to cultist healing and (most) direct attack spells.
page revision: 1, last edited: 29 Jun 2008 20:17