Description: The barbarian guild makes men and women into brutal warriors of force and strength. The warriors are given further training in the 'art of bludgeoning' as they like to call their handywork. The use of axes is also studied. Barbarians are renowned in all the lands for their brute strength and violent outbursts, and can often be seen looting and pillaging in abandon.
This is a non-magical guild.
Guild choices for: Barbarian
Tertiary Guilds: Axe hurling artist, Axe hurling expert, Axe hurling master, Axe hurling novice, Brute Squad, Dervish, Expert harpoonist, Hoplite, Master harpoonist, Novice harpoonist, Specksioneer, Warlord
Stat | Str: little (2/7) |
Agi: little (2/7) |
Con: little (2/7) |
Dex: tiny (1/7) |
Int: none (0/7) |
Wis: none (0/7) |
Per: little (2/7) |
Cha: none (0/7) |
Point | HP: more (5/7) HPR: average (4/7) |
SP: none (0/7) SPR: none (0/7) |
EP: small (3/7) EPR: average (4/7) |
Category | Nature: average (4/7) |
Armed combat: average (4/7) |
page revision: 3, last edited: 27 Oct 2009 11:36