Items enchants grant 3 and 1/3rd points of stat per slot and you round down, with Indigo and Magenta being the exceptions. Keep in mind the level restrictions on stats gained are still in place, 1 point max per 3 character levels from an item, so even though you can get +30 points of stat, you'd need 90 levels to get all of the benefit.
In other words:
1 slot item = 3 points of stat
2 slot item = 6 points of stat
3 slot item = 10 points of stat
4 slot item = 13 points of stat
5 slot item = 16 points of stat
6 slot item = 20 points of stat
- Blue glow: +3 SPR
- Gold glow: +3 PERCEPTION
- Green glow: +3 LUCK
- Grey glow: +3 DEXTERITY
- Indigo glow: +1 EPR
- Magenta glow : +6 HPR
- Maroon glow : +3 STRENGTH
- Pink glow : +3 CHARISMA
- Purple glow : +3 WISDOM
- Red glow : +3 CONSTITUTION
- Silver glow : +3 AGILITY
- Yellow glow : +3 INTELLIGENCE
Basics :
- Stone = Disintegration
- Sulfur = Poison
- Rust = Acid
- Ice = Cold
- Flame = Fire
- Void = Asphyxiation
- Cloud = Illusion
- Lightning = Electrical
- Antimatter = Harm
- Type "help fundamentals" for the diagram
- Stone + Flame = Rust (Acid)
- Flame + Lightning = Cloud (Illusion)
- Lightning + Ice = Void (Asphyxiation)
- Ice + Stone = Sulpher (Poison)
- Cloud + Sulfur = Antimatter (Harm)
- Void + Rust = Antimatter (Harm)
Elementalize Flags on Equipment:
- Stone = Popping
- Sulfur = Yellow
- Rust = Rusty
- Ice = Frosted
- Flame = Flaming
- Void = Globulus
- Cloud = Misty
- Lightning = Crackling
- Antimatter = Black
Elementalizing a weapon changes up to 33% of the Physical damage the weapon does to non-physical of the fundamental type used. Elementalize cannot replace non-physical damage.
Elementalizing armor give a resistance to the fundamental type used. The item gains 3% per slot covered for single and dual slot items. For items that cover 3 or more slots, the item gains 10% for every 3 slots and 3% for any extra slots (so a 7 slot item get 23% for 2 sets of 3 and 1 extra).
(Thanks to Quicksilver for his help finding Ultrarares)
Adamantium Ore | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Adamine | Rarish | Crypt |
Aluminium Ore | Rarish | Crypt |
Amazonite | Common | Sosel |
Amethyst Geode | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Ankerite | Uncommon | Welstar |
Apatite | Rare | Crypt |
Apophyllite | Common | Perdow |
Aragonite | Rarish | Sosel |
Azurite | Uncommon | Sosel |
Barite | Common | Crypt |
Basalt | Prolific | Wysoom |
Benitolite | Uncommon | Welstar |
Benzenoids | ULTRARARE | Raji |
Beryl | Common | Crypt |
Boulangerite | ULTRARARE | Raji |
Calcite | Common | Sosel |
Cerrussite | Rare | Raji |
Chalcopyrite | Prolific | Crypt |
Clay | Prolific | Welstar |
Cloud Creep | Rarish | Raji |
Cobalt | Rare | Crypt |
Conglomerate | Common | Wysoom |
Crocoite | ULTRARARE | Sosel |
Cryolite | Rarish | Crypt |
Cuprite | Common | Perdow |
Cuprosklodowskite | Rarish | Crypt |
Cyanotrichite | Rare | Raji |
Dioptase | Rare | Sosel |
Drop of Mercury | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Dufrenite | Uncommon | Crypt |
Emerald | Rarish | Sosel |
Erythrite | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Flint | Prolific | Welstar |
Flourite | Common | Perdow |
Galena | Rarish | Perdow |
Gandrin | Common | Perdow |
Gold Nugget | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Granite | Common | Sosel |
Gypsum | Prolific | Sosel |
Haematite | Rarish | Perdow |
Halite | Common | Wysoom |
Iron Ore | Common | Crypt |
Iron Pyrites | Uncommon | Welstar |
Kammerite | Rarish | Crypt |
Limestone | Common | Welstar |
Lump Of Coal | Common | Crypt |
Magnetite | Rare | Wysoom |
Malachite | Uncommon | Crypt |
Magnesium sulphate | Rarish | Crypt |
Manganite | Uncommon | Welstar |
Marcasite | Rare | Crypt |
Mimetite | Prolific | Crypt |
Mithril Ore | ULTRARARE | Crypt |
Morganite | Uncommon | Wysoom |
Muscovite | Common | Perdow |
Pharmacolite | Rarish | Welstar |
Piece Of Tin | Uncommon | Crypt |
Pinch Of Sand | Common | Perdow |
Picropharmacolite | ULTRARARE | Welstar |
Powder Sulphur | Rarish | Crypt |
Pyromorphite | Rarish | Crypt |
Pyrrhotite | Rarish | Crypt |
Quartz | Common | Crypt |
Realgar | Rare | Crypt |
Rhodocrosite | Common | Sosel |
Rose Quartz | Rarish | Crypt |
Rubellite | Uncommon | Crypt |
Shale | Uncommon | Sosel |
Silver Ore | Rarish | Welstar |
Slate | Common | Perdow |
Smithsonite | Uncommon | Wysoom |
Spessartine | Rarish | Welstar |
Stephanite | Rarish | Crypt |
Stibnite | Common | Perdow |
Tennanite | Uncommon | Welstar |
Topaz | Uncommon | Sosel |
Torbernite | Rare | Sosel |
Tourmaline | Common | Crypt |
Tsumcorite | Rare | Wysoom |
Vanadinite | Common | Sosel |
Variscite | Rarish | Wysoom |
Vivianite | Rarish | Sosel |
Wavellite | Rarish | Perdow |
Wulfenite | Common | Crypt |
Zinc | Rare | Crypt |
Acorn | Uncommon | Welstar |
Adder's mouth | Uncommon | Crypt |
Algae | Common | Wysoom |
Allspice | Common | Sosel |
Aloe | Uncommon | Welstar |
Angelica | Rarish | Perdow |
Arnica | Uncommon | Sosel |
Bamboo Shoots | Rarish | Sosel |
Banewort | Rare | Crypt |
Barberry | Uncommon | Welstar |
Barley | Uncommon | Sosel |
Basil | Common | Welstar |
Bishopwort | Rarish | Welstar |
Black Lotus | ULTRARARE | Sosel |
Black Mushrooms | Rarish | Perdow |
Blackthorn | Uncommon | Perdow |
Bladderwrack | Common | Wysoom |
Boneset | Rarish | Welstar |
Calabrin | Rare | Perdow |
Calamus | Uncommon | Welstar |
Capsicum | Uncommon | Sosel |
Catnip | Common | Welstar |
Clover | Common | Welstar |
Coltsfoot | ULTRARARE | Welstar |
Dead Mans Fingers | Rarish | Crypt |
Dead Men's Bells | Rarish | Crypt |
Deadly Nightshade | Rarish | Perdow |
Desert Rue | Rare | Crypt |
Devil's Claw | Rare | Perdow |
Ebil | Uncommon | Wysoom |
Echinacae | Rare | Welstar |
Elderberry | Uncommon | Sosel |
Fairy Gloves | Rare | Wysoom |
Four Leaf Clover | ULTRARARE | Welstar |
Foxglove | Rarish | Sosel |
Garlic | Uncommon | Welstar |
Ginger Root | Uncommon | Sosel |
Goldenrod | Uncommon | Sosel |
Gooseberry | Uncommon | Sosel |
Grass | Prolific | Welstar |
Ivy | Uncommon | Sosel |
Jack In The Pulpit | Rarish | Welstar |
Jasmine | Rarish | Sosel |
Juniper Berry | Uncommon | Sosel |
Kif | Uncommon | Sosel |
Lichen | Uncommon | Crypt |
Maidenhair | Rare | Welstar |
Magic Mushrooms | Rare | Perdow |
Mandrake | Rare | Perdow |
Mistletoe | Rare | Wysoom |
Myrrh | Rare | Sosel |
Oats | Uncommon | Welstar |
Parsley | Common | Raji |
Pearl Moss | Uncommon | Sosel |
Peat Moss | Uncommon | Welstar |
Purple Loosestrife | Rare | Perdow |
Pussywillow Bark | Common | Wysoom |
Rose Petals | Rarish | Welstar |
Rose thorn | Uncommon | Welstar |
Saffron | ULTRARARE | Sosel |
Sage | Common | Perdow |
Snakeweek | Uncommon | Sosel |
Thyme | Uncommon | Sosel |
Violet | Uncommon | Raji |
White Bryony | Common | Raji |
Wild Mushrooms | Common | Perdow |
Willowherb | Uncommon | Welstar |
Wormwood | Uncommon | Crypt |
Source Material: William Travis
Mintaj's note: page ressed from